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The rapid rise in the prevalence of chronic diseases represents one of the major health challenges for the coming century. Cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes accounted for the majority of deaths in Lambton County in 2000. These diseases reduce not only the quantity but also the quality of our lives. Until recently, we thought of these diseases as medical conditions that struck an unfortunate few, who were occasionally saved by medical miracles. Now, guided by scientific research, we know that many of these diseases can be prevented by making positive lifestyle changes. The purpose of this manual is to help worksites implement healthy living programs and policies. The healthy living programs focus on the four common preventable risk factors for chronic disease: tobacco use, physical inactivity, unhealthy eating and stress.

Tummy Exercise

Basic Tummy Exercise

A healthy body is a healthy mind; and a healthy mind is a healthy existence. It may sound like an astonishing piece of information, but the fact is that the root of all our problems lies in our stomachs. Acne, stress, laziness, physical illnesses is all a result of an unhealthy stomach. Even when we define obesity, it is about a bulging stomach. A healthy person is one who looks after every part of the body, come-what-may. To ensure good health you must spend some time exercising everyday. Apart from good health you will also feel enthusiastic, energetic, confident and look good. Yes, being attractive is a result of exercises and proper food in-take.Every body pat requires a different exercise routine. The means of exercising the arms is different from the was we can exercise our stomach.

Tummy exercises can be done at home or at the gym. The exercises we do, keeps our tummy flat and well toned, allowing us to wear all that we wish to wear, without being worried about those bulges or tiers. The most common type of tummy exercises is tummy crunches that are done on a flat surface.

Tummy exercises can be divided into upper tummy and lower tummy crunches. For the upper tummy you are required to lie flat on the floor and bend your knees. Place your hands behind your head and lift yourself upper torso facing upwards and then lower yourself. Repeat this twenty times; take a break and repeat the cycle three to four times.

For the lower tummy you have to do what is called reverse crunches. In this case you will have to raise your legs slowly and lower them. Repeat this twenty times, take a break and repeat the cycle three to four times.

Even if you follow this routine daily for about ten minutes, within no time you will have a well-toned stomach; one that will be the center o

If you really, really want to perform some 'normal' tummy exercises - which completely focus on the abdominal muscles - at least choose the ones that give you the most 'bang for the buck' (which means the best results with the least effort). The best ab exercises are generally considered to be the following:

1. The Bicycle Maneuver
2. Exercise Ball Crunches
3. Reverse Crunches
4. The Plank
5. Captain's Chair Knee Raises

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