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The rapid rise in the prevalence of chronic diseases represents one of the major health challenges for the coming century. Cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes accounted for the majority of deaths in Lambton County in 2000. These diseases reduce not only the quantity but also the quality of our lives. Until recently, we thought of these diseases as medical conditions that struck an unfortunate few, who were occasionally saved by medical miracles. Now, guided by scientific research, we know that many of these diseases can be prevented by making positive lifestyle changes. The purpose of this manual is to help worksites implement healthy living programs and policies. The healthy living programs focus on the four common preventable risk factors for chronic disease: tobacco use, physical inactivity, unhealthy eating and stress.

Develop Healthy Habits in the First Three Years

Developing healthy nutrition, movement, and exercise habits starts young. As early as 10 months babies are running about exploring their environments. Teach your children the habit of movement beginning in the early years:

:. When baby is 6-10 months of age, walk with baby in stroller or in a baby carrier.

:. When baby can walk, begin exploring your garden, go for short walks in front of your home, and delight in trips to the park.

:. Encourage your preschooler to play, jump, throw, skip, and run.

:. Walk as a family to and from school.

:. Walk around the block after dinner.

:. Play catch, shoot the basketball, and kick the soccer ball for 10 minutes anytime!

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