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The rapid rise in the prevalence of chronic diseases represents one of the major health challenges for the coming century. Cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes accounted for the majority of deaths in Lambton County in 2000. These diseases reduce not only the quantity but also the quality of our lives. Until recently, we thought of these diseases as medical conditions that struck an unfortunate few, who were occasionally saved by medical miracles. Now, guided by scientific research, we know that many of these diseases can be prevented by making positive lifestyle changes. The purpose of this manual is to help worksites implement healthy living programs and policies. The healthy living programs focus on the four common preventable risk factors for chronic disease: tobacco use, physical inactivity, unhealthy eating and stress.

How to Avoid Acne

1. Remove dead skin cells regularly by exfoliating. Use an abrasive cloth or scrub, or use an over-the-counter chemical exfoliant like salicylic acid and glycolic acid. Remember that over-exfoliating can actually increase the likelihood of red, dry skin by irritating the skin.

2. Remove bacteria from your pores. Your skin can become "allergic" to this bacteria. Use anti-bacterial products containing benzoyl peroxide by rubbing, twice daily, into the pores over the affected region or washing with a medicated bar soap or wash. Keep in mind that this may cause dryness, local irritation and redness.

3. Avoid exposing your skin to other sources of oil and irritants.

* Break the habit of touching your face.
* Keep bangs off of your forehead. The oil in hair as well as hair products in general may clog pores.
* If you use a phone a lot, don't let it touch your face.
* Change your pillowcases and sheets once a week to prevent the build-up of oils and bacteria that can re-occupy your pores.
* Use non-comedogenic moisturizers and makeup. Choose cosmetics that are water-based and hypoallergenic. Avoid oil-based products, coal tar derivatives, and heavy creams. Make sure you wash your skin thoroughly every night to remove makeup residue.

4. Review your diet and the research surrounding the links between diet and acne. The relationship between food and acne is a debatable topic. Your diet may or may not have an effect on acne.

* Studies have shown a correlation between milk and acne. Try substituting with soy milk and other calcium-rich foods.
* Excessive consumption of foods high in iodine, such as seafood, may worsen acne, but probably won't trigger it.
* Research suggests--but does not prove--that a diet with a low glycemic index may reduce the likelihood of acne. High glycemic foods to replace with healthier alternatives include:

o soft drinks (drink water instead)
o sweets (substitute with fruit)
o white bread (replace with whole wheat bread)

5. Consult a dermatologist regarding your acne. Minimize use of medication containing halogens (iodides, chlorides, bromides), lithium, barbiturates, or androgens.

6. Keep your bedsheets clean. Wash your pillow case on a regular schedule to reduce the transfer of natural body oils.

7. Wash your face at least two times a day. Use face washes specifically designed to remove oils and bacteria that contribute to acne.

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